I'm a senior in college with a passion for plants. All plants. Especially frilly ferns and the BIG ones that bring the jungle right into my living room. If like me, you have a love for the potted plant, the hanging plant and all that lies in-between, then you’ve come to the right place. Or maybe the only experience you’ve had with gardening or in-door plants is when your mother has dragged you to Home Depot. Maybe you’re just starting out or maybe you’ve killed every plant you’ve had so far. That’s OK. I’ve certainly killed my fair share of plants.
All are welcome. All will find helpful tricks, DIY projects and general care instructions for every type of indoor plant you can imagine. You will hopefully leave with a slightly greener thumb and maybe after a couple weeks you’ll be as green as grass!
So join me for an adventure into the life of being a cost-effective plant parent. I’m a college student on a budget, so I offer many inexpensive DIY projects and ways to propagate plants so that you can grow your collection from three to 300—all with the help of your original three plants. Don’t know what propagation means? You’ll soon find out!
I’m going to begin with the story of how I become a plant mom, which actually begins with my own mom, Catharin McCarthy. She’s 5’2” of pure love, craziness and emotions. I mean she’s seriously cried over a game of cards before. She’s also loved me through four car incidents (no accidents—just stupidity on the part of myself and every dipshit friend I had in high school). Her green thumb sprouted from her grandfather. He was a horticulturist that owned a nursery with a special affinity for African Violets and Orchids. Growing up with her, our home was filled to the brim with over 50 orchids. She would bring me out into the yard to show me her latest landscaping renovations and new growth on particular favorites. At best, I feigned interest and at worst, I rolled my eyes and went back inside to my room to blare music.
The advent of my green thumb is a story I will save for next week. Sit back, and relax—its going to be an entertaining ride.